Einstein Activity Capture | The Ultimate Guide

Einstein Activity Capture

Salesforce Einstein Activity Capture is a powerful tool that enables businesses to keep track of their customer interactions and activities. It is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that analyzes data from various sources, including emails, calendars, and Salesforce, to provide insights that help sales teams close deals faster and improve customer relationships.

One of the key features of Salesforce Einstein Activity Capture is its ability to automatically capture and log customer activities, such as email conversations and meeting schedules, directly into Salesforce. This ensures that sales teams have access to real-time information on their customers, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide personalized service.

Prerequisite for enabling Einstein Activity Capture:

Setup Permission Set:

  1. Click the Gear icon, and select Setup.
  2. Search for permission in the Quick find box and select Permission Sets.
  3. Click on Standard Einstein Activity Capture.
  4. Click on Manage Assignments.
  5. Click on Add Assignments.
  6. Select Users to assign and click on Assign.
  7. Then the screen below will appear, make sure the message is successful and click Done.
  8. Link email and calendar accounts

dont miss out iconDon't forget to check out: Learn About Einstein Activity Capture in Salesforce

Connect Outlook:

  1. Click on profile icon and then settings.
  2. Click on Connected Accounts – Email and Calendar Accounts
  3. Below screen will appear. Click on New Account.
  4. Below screen will appear. Click on Connect My MS Exchange Account.
  5. Below screen will appear. Input your email and password for outlook.
  6. You will be able to see your connected Accounts. Salesforce Outlook sync is ready.

Enabling Einstein Activity Capture

  • From setup write Einstein Activity Capture in the quick find box and click on settings under Einstein Activity Capture. This will take you to a wizard which allows you to configure your Einstein Activity Capture for your Org. Click Get Started to begin setting up your Einstein Activity Capture. 

  • You will need to authorize that you are permitted to set up this integration for your organization, check the box and click “Next.” 

  • Choose your Email and Calendar.

  • A configuration box will appear, Fill the name the mark the Active checkbox true. Click next.

  • Sync Setting Box will appear now. here you can also choose if you want your Events (Calendar) or Contacts  to sync one way or bi-directionally.  Click next.

  • Next you will see a list of users that have the “Standard Einstein Activity” Permission Set. You can highlight them all by clicking the top name, holding Shift, clicking the bottom name, and clicking the arrow that indicates moving those users to “Selected Users” box. Click “Next.” 

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  • This next screen allows you to exclude certain domains. Customer domains you would like to exclude, internal domains or even specific email addresses. Once you have it configured the way you want it, click “Next”.

  • Now Come To Sharing Settings Screen. Once you have made your selection click “Next.” 

  • Click Next and then Click Finish.


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