Experience the Future of Sales with Salesforce AI-based Tools
Solving strategic problems is more important than handling operational tasks when it comes to achieving critical targets in sales. Usage of Salesforce AI-based Tools allows your sales team to concentrate more on sales strategies than mundane operational sales processes. This makes achieving greater revenue growth through sales easier for the sales team.
According to the most recent Salesforce State of Sales report, high performing sales teams are 2.4x more likely than underperforming teams to use AI-based Tools for their Sales processes, such as to lead prioritization and opportunities. Unlike Cloud Automation which is centred on human inputs, the Salesforce AI-based tool operates with minimal human involvement. Hence, it is not only automated but also augmented with intelligent automation.
Einstein Prediction Builder
Simply by manipulating year-on-year datasets, the upcoming sales of your business can be forecasted. This Einstein Prediction Builder emphasizes the prospects to target and upcoming deals to be prepared for. This Salesforce platform can make predictions of sales possibilities in almost any field so that the sales team is ready well in advance with their action plan.
Don't forget to check out: How Salesforce Einstein Analytics Benefits Your Organization
Einstein Account Insights
Managing customer relationships while delivering a personalized customer experience can be a bigger catch to handle. This AI-enabled tool helps you maintain customer relationships with featured metrics of opportunity insights, business growth factors, and account records. The platform is consistent in keeping personalized connections with customers, which can yield dynamic business development in the future.
Einstein Forecasting
The sales productivity tool analyses the nature of sales opportunities to create an accurate pipeline on which your sales team can act upon. This machine learning-supported tool has accessibility with mobile analytics and can be forecasted from anywhere and anytime. In a nutshell, this AI-based platform brings realistic predictions to the table and maximizes the value of forecasting.
Einstein Opportunity Insights
Enabling this tool gives you constant updates on opportunities and deal insights you can grab immediately. It provides discrete insights of Deal Prediction that are based on recent activities and existing opportunities, Follow-up Reminders regarding communications that have untapped opportunities or have not been refreshed recently. Along with Key Moments, which shows notifications related to important timelines of the deal.
Check out another amazing blog by Bolt Today here: Salesforce Sandbox Types and When To Use
Get Help with Customized Solutions of Salesforce AI-based Tools
By integrating more advanced tools such as Einstein Language and Einstein Bots, we can make sales operational processes self-reliant to a level where zero human involvement is attainable. With an innovative Salesforce partner like Bolt Today, you can quickly implement an intelligent sales platform with a range of customized Salesforce AI tools. With the right customization strategy, you can reach customer deals and step up the sales game. Your Smart Salesforce AI tool is now a tap away from customization with Bolt Today.
To learn more interesting insights about AI-enables Salesforce tools, keep in touch!