Salesforce Integration

5 Strategies for Improving Customer Relationships Using Salesforce Integration

Having a successful company and brand heavily depends upon your company’s performance in the functions of sales and marketing. This involves communicating your company’s brand, fulfilling marketing needs, being in contact with all stakeholders, and handling customer concerns successfully and seamlessly. This is why Salesforce is considered one of the best apps for small businesses in all matters of Customer Relationship Management.

What Is Salesforce & What Does It Do?

In essence, Salesforce simply creates a bridge between companies and their customers. It essentially removes any technology-related barriers between different company departments and helps maintain a common customer profile indifferent of the context. Salesforce essentially helps combine all matters concerning customer relationship management. This single customer profile helps optimize customer information and limit inter-department confusion to a great extent. This helps companies manage their customers by enabling a holistic and well-rounded approach. Companies around the world seek employees who are trained in Salesforce to ease its integration in their businesses.

In different departments and domains, Salesforce can be used in the following ways:

  • Sales: Salesforce can be used to streamline sales processes and to maintain a concise and repeatable sales process. It helps minimize data entry and allows you to really connect with your customers
  • Marketing: Salesforce can be used to customize marketing messages for your target markets, send out those messages at the correct time, and help with customer acquisition and retention.
  • Information Technology: Salesforce can be used to create apps to cater to stakeholder needs, automate processes, and increase data security.
  • Services: Salesforce can be used to seamlessly connect with all stakeholders across different platforms, automate certain processes, and deliver personalized support.

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Strategies for Improving Customer Relationships Using Salesforce

Customer relationships can be looked for and managed successfully by making use of Salesforce integration. Listed below are a few strategies that aid marketers in doing so:

1. CPQ Process Made Easier

By integrating ERP data into every CPQ transaction, the process is streamlined and made efficient for all users. Speeding up your business processes is necessary to remain competitive and ahead of your competitors. By using Salesforce to create quotes that are configured to handle product and service details, including shipping and order status, manual effort on the company’s part is minimized. How accurate a quote depends upon how well ERP data is integrated into Salesforce and its apps? In addition to the above, a well-integrated CPQ process helps increase revenue, reducing costs, and improving financial processes.

2. Sales Teams & Mobile Apps

Your company’s sales teams can guarantee exceptional performance with the smart integration of your Salesforce applications. You can simplify workflows and reporting by making use of mobile apps that integrate Salesforce, CRM, Retention rate, and legacy systems. This allows your sales team to spend as much time as required outside their offices working on deals in real-time. It would limit their need to visit their desk now and then to collected paperwork as they’d have everything they require on their phones.

3. Inter-Department Visibility into Real-Time Manufacturing Data

You can maintain product quality and exceed your customers’ expectations making visible quality inspections to all concerned departments in real-time. This can be achieved by integrating inspection, inventory data, and quality management data in your manufacturing unit. For instance, when the warehouse management system scans and keeps a record of available inventory, the production department automatically gets notified if inventory levels are low and speed up production.

4. New Product Launches Made Secure

Among the diverse nature of channels that can be chosen to purchase any product or service globally, the integration of Salesforce and ERP systems into your e-commerce systems is more secure. Customers have a wide variety of options to complete their purchase in terms of the channel they use, how they choose to customize their product and the combo of products they opt for. By Salesforce integration, you can assure that your new product launches are handled smoothly, customer demand is met, and customers receive their products on time. A new launch critically depends upon response time and speed, and Salesforce integration is the way to achieve them.

5. Unified Service Experience

To meet customer demands and exceed their expectations, they need to be given a unified experience across all service and purchase channels. A holistic shopping experience can be created by integrating Salesforce, ERP, and legacy systems. Doing so gives marketers insights into customer expectations and gives them factual data for their future dealings.

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Other Uses of Salesforce Integration

While the above-mentioned strategies help with customer relationships, Salesforce integration has several other uses too for your business, which include the following:

  • Salesforce allows for instant access to customer data and information. Especially if an employee is involved in an inbound call, which is typically a result of a grievance or confusion, the employee can be better prepared to receive the call if they have access to the customer’s profile in real-time.
  • Salesforce allows managers to have better insight into their team’s performance. This may range from the number of calls your sales team takes or receives in a day, the call durations, whether the customer was satisfied with the call, etc. It allows managers to look into such details that can help them understand how their customer service can improve.
  • Salesforce allows you to connect with customers at any time and from anywhere. It allows you to access the required data from any device irrespective of your location and allows you greater mobility in your work life.

While Salesforce integration for first-timer companies can be a little daunting, the complexities are all worth it. Given the excessive benefits of Salesforce integration, your business model can be entirely backed up and taken care of by just one software. The bottom line remains that salesforce integration streamlines all customer-related processes that ultimately help drive company revenues and increases customer loyalty. Given the increased competition in global brands, selling itself has become a very competitive task, and to come up and above your competition, companies should make sure of Salesforce as a catalyst to drive their revenue and minimize costs.


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