Learn Salesforce Einstein – Chapter 3 (Einstein Key Setup)
Do you have a key? If you have key then upload your key file here. If you don't have key then follow the below steps.
Don't have the key? Get it from below steps: 1. Go to https://api.einstein.ai/signup 2. Here click on Sign Up Using Salesforce. 3. You will get the SalesForce login screen. (If you are not logged in). 4. Next, you will see an Allow Access screen. Here click on Allow. 5. On the activation page: If you're using Chrome, click Download Key to save the key locally. The key file is named einstein_platform.pem. If you're using any other browser, cut and paste your key from the browser into a text file and save it as einstein_platform.pem.
Now upload this files to Dashboard's Key Setup section and click on Save button.
>>> Proceed to Chapter - 4