What is the Arrow Function in JavaScript? | Salesforce Developer Guide
Arrow function is the way to write a function in a shorter manner/syntax. It is simple and easy to use and understand. Here are some examples and comparisons:
Normal Function:
function abc() { return “I am inside a normal function”; }
Arrow function:
- 1st way (with return):
abc = () = > { return “I am inside a normal function”; }
- 2nd way (without return):
abc = () = > “I am inside a normal function”;
Arrow function with parameters:
Single parameters:
abc=data=> { return data+10; }
abc=(data)=> { return data+10; } console.log(abc(5)); // calling statement
We can use small brackets around parameters or not in single parameter but in case of multiple parameters you have to use () small brackets parameters.
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Multi parameters:
abc = (data1, data2) => { return data1+data2+10; } console.log(abc(4,5)); // calling statement
In the case of arrays:
arr = [1,2,3,4]; let newarr = arr.map((item)=>item*2) // without return console.log(newarr);
let newarr = arr.map((item)=> { return item*2; }) // with return
Benefits of Arrow Function:
- Arrow syntax automatically binds this to the surrounding code’s context.
- Easy to write and understand.
Problem Solved by Arrow function:
There is a problem with the normal function if we define a variable and a function in the same scope then the function can access that variable but inside that function, if we define another function then it shows undefined.
let obj ={ name: “sample”, getname:function() { console.log(this.name); function fullname(){ console.log(this.name); console.log (“my full name is ”+this.name+” surname.”); } fullname() //calling inner function } } obj.getname(); //calling outer function
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my full name is undefined surname.
To solve this problem, we use the arrow function instead of the normal function.
If I convert the inner function into an arrow function then it remembers the value of the name inside the inner function.
let obj = { name: “sample”, getname:function() { console.log(this.name); const fullname=()=> { console.log(this.name); console.log (“my full name is ”+this.name+” surname.”); } fullname() //calling inner function } } obj.getname(); //calling outer function