Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions
Hello All,
Today I am going to provide you a very useful and important set of items that you should always keep handy with you like a keep the money wallet handy. The provided steps will be very useful for you while working with Salesforce. So here we go with the part 1 of the instructions:
Steps to give permissions to an sObject:
- Click on the "Setup" button in prod.
- Search "Profile" in the quick search box.
- Click on the "Edit" button just before the profile name which you want to give permissions.
- Search for the sObject under the "Custom Object Permissions" section.
- Check the "Read,Create,Edit,Delete,View All,Modify All" checkboxes.
- Click on the "Save" button.
Steps to give permissions to the fields of an sObject:
- Click on the "Setup" button in prod.
- Search "Profile" in the quick search box.
- Click on the "Edit" button just before the profile name which you want to give permissions.
- Search the sObject in "Field-Level Security" and select the "View" option.
- Click on the "Edit" button.
- Check the "Read Access" & "Edit Access" checkboxes for all the required fields.
- Click on the "Save" button.
Steps to add Queue/Public Group to an Approval Processes:
- Click on the 'Setup' button.
- Search 'Approval Processes' in Quick Search Box.
- Select the required sObject option in the 'Manage Approval Processes For:' picklist.
- Now click on the required Approval Processes Name.
- Go to the 'Approval Steps' section.
- Click on 'Edit' before "Step 1".
- Then click on the 'Next' button up to 'step 3 - Select Assigned Approver'.
- Now under 'Select Approver', check the checkbox "Automatically assign to queue.".
- Select the required Queue name and click on the 'Save' button.
Steps to schedule an Apex class:-
- First, click on the setup button in the Salesforce.
- Then in quick search box find "apex classes".
- On the apex classes page, click on the "Schedule Apex" button.
- Give a "Job Name", Select the apex schedule class which you want to schedule.
- In the Schedule Apex Execution section, select the required frequency.
- Select on the preferred day of every month.
- Now select the "Start" and "End" date for this scheduler class.
- Select "Preferred Start Time".
- Click on the "Save" button.
Steps for running the Batch class:
- Open “Developer Console” by clicking on the Username.
- Press “ctrl+e” to open an anonymous window.
- Copy the below piece of code and paste in anonymous window
YourBatchClassName b = new YourBatchClassName(); database.executebatch(b);
- Select this code and click on "Execute Highlighted".
This was the first part of the useful and important set of instructions. Please visit "Useful Salesforce Steps and Instructions part - 2" for more updates.
Very Useful Information. Thanks Pranav.