Using a Salesforce Data Import Wizard - All you Need to Know
Salesforce is an integrated technology platform that enables companies to automate business processes. It is used as a software application that delivers Structured Query Language (SQL) and Dynamic Queries/ATER or any other Structured Query Language. Salesforce provides features like object management, collaboration, sales, and customer management and data conversion and data mining. A company adopting Salesforce can use the cloud computing models like Cloud Business Solutions, IaaS and hosted solutions.
Importing data from Salesforce into a Salesforce system can be done through the Salesforce Application Manager or SAA. SAA is a web-based interface for installing and managing Salesforce accounts and data sources. Data from an existing Salesforce system is imported into the new account by using the SAA interface. The interface allows users to select the tables, columns, dates, times, people, order numbers and so on from the data source. Fields from the imported records are then verified and converted before use.
The interface for the SAA does not allow creating new records. One has to use the Create New record link, which is located in the top-right corner of the screen. By clicking on this link, a wizard containing a number of options for creating records will appear. Choose the type of the record you want to add and enter the data that you want to import into the Salesforce system. By selecting the Create Record link, an Edit Metastable will appear, which lets you edit the imported data.
Once the data import wizard loads, a window with a list of all the tables and their names will appear. Select the tables to import. An empty field will appear at the position where the name of the record was entered. Click on the plus sign to add a new name to the table. Enter a unique label for the table to customize it further.
Check out an amazing Salesforce video tutorial here: Salesforce Data Loader | Import Relational Data
Now it is time to test your newly created Salesforce record. Open the Salesforce data import wizard and click on the button called Test Connection. A test connection is basically a scenario in which you are trying to access a particular record from a SAA model. Once you click on this button, a dialogue box will appear with a number of choices. Select the default choice and click OK. A summary of all the changes that were made to the selected record will be generated in the console. You can also view the changes that have been made to each record by logging in to the Salesforce account.
In addition, it is possible to import more than 50,000 records using the SAA data import wizard. However, make sure that you use the correct file types when exporting to SAA. For example, if you are exporting to SAA format, then make sure you convert the record to that format before saving it. You may need to contact the Help Desk for help with the steps required to successfully export a record to SAA.