Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How to auto-Populate value of checkbox by click on another Page?

  • Rachit

    April 29, 2016 at 7:06 am

    Hi Prakhar

    I am assuming that you have same controller and two pages and the checkbox is in combination with a wrapper.If this is the case then we can easily use getter/setters to pull value from wrappers and take to next page.If the controller are not same then please use URL to take value from one page to another page.




  • Prakhar

    April 29, 2016 at 10:29 am

    Hey Rachit,

    Thanks Rachit for your help.

    I am using the same controller for both the page, but the problem is whenever an checkbox is clicked i want the value to get populated in the textbox, and if i go according to your solution than the older value will be replaced by the new checkbox value, which i dont want.

    What i want is whichever checkbox is checked it is reflected back in the textbox.



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