How Salesforce Brings Success To Full Cycle Sales Representatives?

A full cycle sales representative is the one who handles the entire deals right start from the prospecting to engage with clients and to closing the deal. The one takes care of the top, middle, and bottom of the sales funnel tasks
irrespective of their specialization of an SDR or AE.

Salesforce Stats

  • Salesforce alone possesses more than 19% of the CRM market share. It’s 2 times the market share of its closest competitor SAP and 3 times of Oracle.
  • Revenue growth of Salesforce CRM is recorded at a growth of 23.2%.

Salesforce Helps Full Cycle Sales Reps. How?

Facilitating sales reps at different levels of the funnel and enable them to juggle their multiple responsibilities.

Salesforce & The Top Of The Funnel

  • Helpful in gathering data, reaching out, and scheduling meetings with the prospects.
  • Reduces the efforts of dialing around 18 calls that one puts in connecting with a single buyer. (Report as per TOPO)

Salesforce & The Middle Of The Funnel

  • Helpful in improving the efficiency of sales reps.
  • Shorten average deal length on the account being worked by 18%.

Salesforce & The Bottom of The Funnel

  • Helpful in closing deals rapidly.
  • The win rate exceeds 50%. (Report by Salesforce)


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