Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is Test.isRunningTest() in Apex ?

  • Deepak

    August 12, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    Test. isRunningTest() method in the Apex class, batch or trigger code is used to identify the pieces of code being executed & invoked from a Test class execution.It is used to define whether the code is executed by the Apex test class.

  • Marziya

    August 12, 2020 at 1:10 pm

    isRunningTest(): The Test. isRunningTest() method in the Apex class, batch or trigger code is used to identify the pieces of code being executed & invoked from a Test class execution.

  • Manish

    August 12, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    isRunningTest(): The Test. isRunningTest() method in the Apex class, batch or trigger code is used to identify the pieces of code being executed & invoked from a Test class execution. The Test. isRunningTest() method is used to define whether the code is executed by the Apex test class.

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