Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What are the differences between 15 and 18 digit record IDs?

  • Prachi

    September 13, 2018 at 1:37 pm


    Salesforce record Id uniquely identifies each record in salesforcce. Salesforce record Id can either be 15 digit or 18 digit. 15 digit salesforce record id is case sensitive and 18 digit salesforce record id is case insensitive. Every record in salesforce is identified by unique record Id in every salesforce organization.
    15 digit case-sensitive version is referenced in the UI and also visible in browser
    18 digit case-insensitive version which is referenced through the API
    The last 3 digits of the 18 digit Id is a checksum of the capitalization of the first 15 characters, this Id length was created as a workaround to legacy system which were not compatible with case-sensitive Ids. The API will accept the 15 digit Id as input but will always return the 18 digit Id.


  • shariq

    September 13, 2018 at 1:38 pm


    One thing to note is that Salesforce IDs are case sensitive when they are 15 digit and insensitive when they are 18 digit.  This means you must take into account upper and lower cases when you export the data from the system for the case sensitive data elements.  If your using tools like vlookup in Excel to do comparison from various sources of data, be careful as Excel can incorrectly map the data since it is not case sensitive on the 15 digit id.

    The last three digits in the ID is a checksum.  A calculation to assure that the first 15 pieces of the ID are accurate for the object its being written into.

    So following that analogy just mentioned.

    15 digit case-sensitive version

    15 digit ID is what will be received from within the user interface

    18 digit case-insensitive and best used for manipulating data outside Salesforce

    18 digit id is referenced through in the API and other 3rd party tools.

    Hope this helps!

  • Parul

    September 13, 2018 at 5:36 pm


    15 digit case-sensitive version

    15 digit ID is what will be received from within the user interface

    18 digit case-insensitive and best used for manipulating data outside Salesforce

    18 digit id is referenced through in the API and other 3rd party tools.



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