Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What are limitations of Person Account in salesforce?

  • Kirandeep

    September 14, 2020 at 12:33 pm

    Limitations of Person Account:-
    1. Personal accounts use large amounts of data storage.
    2. You can't disable a Person Account once you enable them.
    3. Limited Reporting i.e,You are not able to pull a joined report of Orders (which are related to the Account part of the Person Account) and Emails (which are related to the Contact part of the Person Account).Instead, you need to create 2 separate reports.
    4. Person Accounts never get new features released to them.
    5. Person Accounts Not Supported in Lightning Sync.
    6. Person accounts can’t have contacts.
    7. Person accounts can’t have an account hierarchy.
    8. Person accounts can't have direct relationships with other accounts or contacts.

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