Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Salesforce Chatter vs Slack

  • Rahul

    September 21, 2022 at 12:11 pm

    Chatter was developed for sales, marketing, service teams, and general project collaboration. It works only within the Salesforce ecosystem and its users. If the entire company isn’t linked to the CRM, it’s hard to bring people from other teams on board and achieve effective collaboration. Even for exclusive Chatter members, the functionality is limited and they still have to work through a Salesforce user interface. Slack is generally adopted by the entire company. Know it in detail by reading this blog.

  • Rahul

    September 21, 2022 at 12:12 pm

    Chatter was developed for sales, marketing, service teams, and general project collaboration. It works only within the Salesforce ecosystem and its users. If the entire company isn’t linked to the CRM, it’s hard to bring people from other teams on board and achieve effective collaboration. Even for exclusive Chatter members, the functionality is limited and they still have to work through a Salesforce user interface. Slack is generally adopted by the entire company. Know it in detail by reading this blog.

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