Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Can i modify CreatedDate or LastModifiedDate of EmailMessage object on insert or update?


    March 21, 2018 at 8:28 am

    Hi Ratnakar,

    If you import data into Salesforce and want to retain the audit field values of the source system, you can set the values for audit fields on the following objects: Account, ArticleVersion, Attachment, CampaignMember, Case, CaseComment, Contact, ContentVersion, Contract, Event, Idea, IdeaComment, Lead, Opportunity, Question, Task, Vote, and custom objects. The only audit field you cannot set a value for is systemModstamp.

    So I think you cant change the audit fields of EmailMessage.

    Hope this helps you.

  • Ratnakar

    March 21, 2018 at 9:27 am

    Hi Pranav, Are you sure there is no way through which we can achieve above?


    March 21, 2018 at 12:02 pm

    Yes Ratnakar,

    In my knowledge, there is no other way through which we can achieve above. But if you come through something by which this can be achieved, please let me know on the same thread. It would be really helpful.

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