Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions Is it possible to schedule an apex class?

  • Piyush

    August 26, 2019 at 4:35 am

    Hi Deepak,

    Yes, it possible to schedule an apex class. You have to choose weekly radio button from the frequency and select all the checkboxes(Sunday to Saturday):-

    1.  Navigate to Setup, search for Apex in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes.
    2.  Click Schedule Apex.
    3. Enter the job name, Example – Daily Account Update.
    4. Click the lookup button to search Apex class and select the class.
    5.  Select Weekly  for the frequency and select all the checkboxes.
    6.  Select the start and end dates, and also the preferred start time.
    7.  Click Save.
  • Saddam

    August 26, 2019 at 7:58 am

    Hi Deepak,

    It is also possible to schedule an Apex class from the user interface by executing below steps:

    1. Navigate to Setup, search for Apex in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes.
    2. Click Schedule Apex.
    3. Enter the job name, Example – Daily Account Update.
    4. Click the lookup button to search Apex class and select the class.
    5. Select Weekly or Monthly for the frequency and set options as needed.
    6. Select the start and end dates, and also the preferred start time.
    7. Click Save.

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