Test Classes In Apex Salesforce | The Developer Guide
Best Practices of Test Class in Salesforce
@TestVisible - To access private member in Test Class
Test.LoadData - Creating test data without code
System.RunAs - Tesing User Context
Test.StartTest & Test.StopTest - Running code within limit
Example Of Test Class
Task 1:-
Update Contact Email Address and write its Test Class
Trigger Code:-
trigger UpdateContactEmailTrigger on Account (after update) { if(trigger.isUpdate){ UpadteContactEmailHandler.updateContactEmailAddress(trigger.new,trigger.oldMap); } }
Don't forget to check out: All About Apex Testing in Salesforce
Apex Class Code:-
public class UpadteContactEmailHandler { public static void updateContactEmailAddress(List<Account> lstNew, Map<Id,Account> mapOld){ Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>(); system.debug('===oldmap==='+mapOld); system.debug('===lstNew==='+lstNew); for(Account acc : lstNew){ system.debug('===oldmap email==='+mapOld.get(acc.Id).Account_Email__c); system.debug('===lstNew=email=='+acc.Account_Email__c); if(acc.Account_Email__c != mapOld.get(acc.Id).Account_Email__c && acc.Account_Email__c !=null){ accIds.add(acc.Id); } } system.debug('===accIds=='+accIds); if(!accIds.isEmpty()){ List<Contact> lstContact = [Select ID, Account.Account_Email__c, Email FROM Contact where AccountID IN :accIds]; system.debug('===lstContact=='+lstContact); List<Contact> lstUpdateCon = new List<Contact>(); for(Contact con : lstContact){ if(con.Email != con.Account.Account_Email__c){ con.Email = con.Account.Account_Email__c; lstUpdateCon.add(con); } else{ con.Email =null; lstUpdateCon.add(con); } } if(!lstUpdateCon.isEmpty()){ update lstUpdateCon; } } } }
Test Class Of This Code:-
@istest public class UpadteContactEmailHandler_Test { @istest static void updateContactEmailAddressTest(){ List<Account> listOgAccount = new List<Account>(); Account accountObj= new Account(); accountObj.Name='Test Account1'; accountObj.Account_Email__c='[email protected]'; listOgAccount.add(accountObj); insert listOgAccount; Contact conObj =new Contact(LastName='Test Contact', Email='[email protected]', Accountid=accountObj.Id); insert conObj; accountObj.Account_Email__c='[email protected]'; update accountObj; /* Map<id,Account> oldmap = new Map<id,Account>(); Map<id,Contact> newmap = new Map<id,Contact>(); Account acct = new Account(Name='Test Account',Account_Email__c='[email protected]'); insert acct; oldmap.put(acct.id, acct); contact con = new contact(); con.accountid = acct.id; con.LastName = 'TestContact'; insert con; Test.startTest(); con.Email = '[email protected]'; update con; newmap.put(con.id, con); //UpadteContactEmailHandler.updateContactEmailAddress(oldmap,newmap); Test.stopTest(); */ } }
Task 2:-
Concatenate Contact Name on Related Account Name
Trigger Code:-
trigger ContcatenateContactNameOnAccount on Contact (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { if(trigger.isAfter){ if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isUndelete){ ContcatenateContactNameOnAccountClass.updateContactOnAccount(trigger.new); } if(trigger.isDelete || trigger.isUpdate){ ContcatenateContactNameOnAccountClass.updateContactOnAccount(trigger.old); } } }
Check out another amazing blog by Arpit here: All About Batch Class in Salesforce | The Developer Guide
Apex Class Code:-
public class ContcatenateContactNameOnAccountClass { public static void updateContactOnAccount(List<Contact> listOfContacts){ //receiving list of Contact from trigger as parameter Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id>(); List<Account> listOfAccountToBeUpdate = new List<Account>(); // Add each contact's AccountId in a set for(Contact con : listOfContacts) { accountSet.add(con.AccountId); } //Query and inner query to get id and all contact from account and name from child contact List<Account> listOfAccountWithContact = [SELECT Id, All_Contacts__c, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Contacts ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC) FROM Account Where id IN :accountSet]; for(Account acc : listOfAccountWithContact){ Account newAccount = new Account(); String strAllContacts = ''; for(Contact con :acc.Contacts){//iterating each contact to add their name. strAllContacts= strAllContacts + con.Name + ' , '; } newAccount.All_Contacts__c = strAllContacts.removeEnd(' , '); newAccount.Id = acc.id; listOfAccountToBeUpdate.add(newAccount);//adding to the list } if(!listOfAccountToBeUpdate.isEmpty()) { update listOfAccountToBeUpdate; } } /* public static List<Opportunity> createOpportunity(String accountId, Integer numberOfRecords){ List<Opportunity> listOfOpportunity = new List<Opportunity>(); for(Integer i=0;i<numberOfRecords;i++){ Opportunity newOpportunity = new Opportunity(); newOpportunity.AccountId = accountId; listOfOpportunity.add(newOpportunity); } if(!listOfOpportunity.isEmpty()){ insert listOfOpportunity; } return listOfOpportunity; } List<Opportunity> listOfOpportunity= DataFactory.createOpportunity(accountObj.id, 4); insert listOfOpportunity; */ }
Test Class Code:-
@istest public class ContcatConnNameOnAccountClass_Test { @istest static void CheckAllConcatenateContactWithAccount(){ List<Account> listOfAccount = new List<Account>(); Account accountObj = new Account(Name='Test Account 1'); listOfAccount.add(accountObj); Account accountConObj = new Account(Name='Test Account 2'); listOfAccount.add(accountConObj); Account accountCon1Obj = new Account(Name='Test Account 3'); listOfAccount.add(accountCon1Obj); insert listOfAccount; List<Contact> listOfContact = new List<Contact>(); Contact conObj= new Contact(LastName='TestContact1', Accountid=accountObj.id); listOfContact.add(conObj); Contact con1Obj= new Contact(LastName='TestContact2', Accountid=accountConObj.id); listOfContact.add(con1Obj); Contact con2Obj= new Contact(LastName='TestContact3', Accountid=accountCon1Obj.id); listOfContact.add(con2Obj); insert listOfContact; conObj.AccountId=accountConObj.id; update conObj; } }