Salesforce Lightning Experience: Tools for Transitioning from Salesforce Classic to Lightning


January 7, 2020: The date when good news finally arrived from Salesforce to its users that the company is auto activating Salesforce Lighting Experience for all the users. What will happen to those who are still in Classic? There are two things which have happened after this announcement:

  • Users in Classic mode with LE user permission with seeing a link which declares switch to LE
  • Once a week, users can switch back and forth from Classic to Lightning as per their requirements

So even after Lightning Experience is turned on, users have to utilize the services of Classic for a few more times and will still have access to it. However, LE will get high prominence in upcoming days because it helps in driving business growth and improves the productivity of the business.

Nevertheless, one thing is evident that a heavy investment has been done on Salesforce Lightning and has been deemed as the future of the Salesforce. Don’t think it as a disaster for Classic users. Not even once!

It is welcome news for the users as the company has also released some of the useful tools to make the transition to the new Salesforce environment relatively easy. Thus, the given article aims at providing a detailed view of various tools that will make your lightning migration venture smoother and fruitful one.

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There are three phases where all the transition assistance tools are required. We will go through each phase and describe the tools utilize there:

I. Discovery Phase

In this phase, kick-off your LE transition at a great speed. In this phase, organizations need to understand how the concept of Lightning can bring significant improvement in their business. So, there is a need for the preparation of a detailed migration strategy that should be prepared by involving all the stakeholders and executives.

To make it a reality, take the help of important tools to evaluate your org and help users in their preparation for the new user interface.

A. Lightning Experience Readiness Check

It is a lightning availability check tool provided by the Salesforce which can assess the measure of work and components so that users can adjust them for a Lightning transition. It is renowned for offering a personalized readiness report which tells you that not only you are ready for LE, but it also serves as a valuable information source to strengthen your rollout plan.

How it is useful? It is extremely useful in understanding limitations associated with features that are either not available currently or are not supported in the current system. Besides, it also estimates the amount of effort needed to migrate the organization towards LE.

B. Lightning Experience Transition Change Management

While native tools of Salesforce are useful for rafting a launch strategy, still it is difficult to estimate actual hours taken to make a perfect switch from Classic to Lightning. So to make a perfect switch and provide a comprehensive view working, many Salesforce consulting companies are using the LE transition change management tool to deliver budget and resource estimates and accurate time with the option of getting a detailed launch roadmap for perfect migration.

C. Lightning Experience Visualforce Check

If you have made a plan to move from Salesforce Classic to LE; then the Visualforce check will act as a valuable tool for a smooth migration. Visualforce is a markup language that offers a user-friendly development environment to the developers so that opening web-page can be displayed and edited by saving their code.

Furthermore, it also supports 'quick fixes' such as allowing creating new Visualforce pages by just logging in Salesforce and entering the new page which results in the creation of a platform for otherwise non-existential page in a URL.

II. Roll-Out Phase

For the increasing success rate of any Lightning migration project, it is extremely crucial to have a roll-out phase. It is because most of the development activities are initiated here which includes implementation of Lightning features. Besides, it is the phase where the launching of LE actually happens and also permits your end-users to get engaged with LE test drive and get their feedback.

To make the experience of your audience in the given phase a more fruitful one, utilize the services of various tools that will convert the whole procedure in a successful step.

A. Lighting Experience Configuration Converter

It is a free tool that is renowned for analyzing and taking possible actions to either improve hard-coded URLs, Javascript buttons, or Visualforce pages or replace them successfully in LE and that too with minimum or no intervention from the developers. With this tool, you can ensure that:

  • All your buttons and actions appearing in Classic will also work efficiently in Lightning
  • Easy conversion of JavaScript buttons to the Lightning components successfully
  • Good preparation for your Visualforce page for LE and can revert if the situation arises
  • Early detection of hard-coded URLs with provision of necessary suggestion

B. Magic Mover for Notes & Attachments

When an organization makes a transition from Lightning to Experience, it needs the advice of lightning experience migration assistant who will help you to take an accurate decision, out of which, Magic Mover for Notes & Attachments is one of the best. Why so? It is because this tool allows the admin to convert attachment to files in a deliberate manner.

What’s more, the given package also comes with three tools, namely:

  • Attachment to file tool, which is used by the admin for bulk conversion of all attachments in
  • Notes conversion tool, which admin utilize to convert bulk of the classic notes
  • Update page layout tool, which admins use to update layout for utilizing new related lists exclusively

Furthermore, conversion from classic to enhanced notes helps a user to get access to the additional capabilities which are beyond the classic notes which include track multiple page versions and ability to relate a note to multiple records and many more.

III. Optimization Phase

It is the post-transition phase where various Salesforce consulting services providers measure their achievement of business goals, improves business leveraging Lightning features and thus delivers what is required by their users successfully.

Although change is difficult to accept, yet the given phase helps the stakeholders to come out of the situation by having regular interaction with their audiences and motivate them to switch towards Lightning and discard Classic.

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To make it more favorable and less toilful for the customers, there are various tools which make it look more real. Some of them are as follows:

A. Lighting Usage App

After successful moving of users to LE, it is the time to make them comfortable with the new interface; which has been made possible thanks to the Lightning usage app. It is a wonderful tool as it lets you monitor adoption metrics which includes daily users of LE, users who are switching back to Classic and most visitors to LE.

With the help of these wonderful insights, the users can focus on identifying core issues and can solve them before utilizing the new platform wholeheartedly. What’s more, the given app is free to use and is just simple to utilize.

B. Salesforce Optimizer Tool

Although Salesforce is a powerful tool, yet its maintenance is a cumbersome process. In comes Salesforce Optimizer, which helps the users to maintain the features and other aspects of the Salesforce which later can be optimized to get the work done in an accomplished manner.

It not only improves the features but also clean-up the customizations which help in reducing the complexity associated with the given system. Furthermore, it also drives feature adoption and receives a personalized report which makes your implementation a better one.

Thus with the given blueprint, you can not only plan in addressing problematic aspects but also prepare the users for migrating to the new platform with great implementation and also enhance the user’s satisfaction rate.

In Nutshell

Migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning is the need of the hour. To make it more comfortable, has offered various tools with every phase so that users can utilize them to make their transition more efficient and effective.

Likewise, you can also take along with your Salesforce consulting partner to incorporate these tools and enhance their productivity to spell a boom in their thriving business successfully.

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