Document Generation in Salesforce with nintex DocGen

Document Generation in Salesforce with Nintex DocGen

Nintex is powerful document generation tool comes with how to generate a document for data and also manage them. Salesforce is World No.1 CRM so need to handle lots of data with them where nintex(Formally Drawloop) play a good role. The data in documents dependent on a template of that object. Use predefined templates to generate high impact document packages using any combination of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF or Visualforce pages.

For installing Nintex for Salesforce you can go AppExchange and search there or follow the specified link

Now Let's start by using it in a simple way…

First, create and configure a New Document Package

Steps to follow,

1Nintex Home Page
  1. Start by opening the Nintex Drawloop App, Drawloop Document Packages tab and clicking on the New button.
  2. In the basics, we need to name the package name, type of package and starting object on which we are going to generate documents, for a custom object we need to select other and then next drop-down choose our appropriate object. We can also set the security by profile and roles. If this done then click next.
  3. In delivery options we can add more delivery options by default it shows download option.
  4. In the relationship, we can add parent object and child object if we wanted to use their fields in our documents.
  5. Next, In insert-updates, we can choose what action need to perform after the generation of docs such as fields update, chatter post, and task.
  6. In tag document, Open your Word document or any document for the template and copy tags into the appropriate location in the template
  7. Click on the Field Tagger and copy the appropriate tags from the Field tag list
  8. Note that like Word, you use the double Less and Greater than symbols: <<tag>>
  9. From the Document Package, Template tab save or upload your template
    Now its time to generate our document, before this we need to add button on the object page layout,
    • For adding the document generation button

    Start by creating a button for an object, after opening Nintex drawloop app, go to Docgen Admin tab and Button Wizard.

    Name the button and choose an object for which we are making that button and for a custom object choose other than select custom object.



    After that click on create button, it will take Buttons, Links, and Actions of that object. After that, we need to add that button to a layout of the object.

    Now we are ready to test our document template by clicking on the button it will take to nintex document generator environment.



  10. Finally, test your document template by running a sample document.

Nintex is very easy to use and easy to build and seems to be an easier solution for most-less knowledge of syntax and button coding is required and there is an overall friendlier user interface

Thank you!

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