Top 5 Challenges to Salesforce Performance and Load Speed

Slow performance in Salesforce and the slow page loading speed can be frustrating for users and might cause a drain on business resources. Salesforce is a heavyweight in the market, and any problems with the platform can affect thousands of users. There can be many factors that affect the load speed and for any company, it can be extremely difficult to keep a check on it at all times.

Companies these days highly rely on Salesforce to keep their business moving forward. This makes it important for IT teams to watch for the performance issues that could arise or might already be occurring and come up with a way to respond and fix the issue before they impact company operations and ultimately affect the business.

Top 5 Problems with Salesforce Performance and Load Speed

We have listed the top five problems that can cause performance issues and slow down the load speed.

1. Low-Quality Bandwidth

Usually, when a SaaS application like Salesforce is slow, many organizations think of investing more in bandwidth. Although this is a real problem, before you upgrade the bandwidth, the IT staff needs to find whether this is the problem holding back the Salesforce performance.

For many companies, getting more bandwidth is not going to be a solution for making Salesforce faster or perform better. What is needed here is getting higher quality bandwidth. Web applications are TCP-based, and with any small amounts of packet loss, there will be a great impact on its performance. This is the reason that many big companies upgrade from residential to business-class suites to ensure better equipment, tighter tolerances, and less chance of packet loss for web applications.

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2. Impact of Recreational Traffic

People using mobile devices to work and the local wireless network to stream media can result in bandwidth capacity being strained or consumed. Because of it, critical applications like Salesforce starve for resources. One way to solve this issue is to set up a separate, guest wireless network for all tablets and other mobile devices your workforce is using. This will prevent them from going on the regular internal network. This will help you allocate bandwidth to each network separately. It will allow you to control how much capacity is available to different devices.

3. Intelligent Caching

Salesforce includes JavaScript and CSS files to offer a rich user experience. As a result, you will have to download 3, 4, or 5 MB JavaScript files that can take time, especially if you are facing packet loss. It is possible that a single page used by your sales team can have multiple plugins and can be of size 5 MB. As this is a common scenario, you can enable caching on your network and create a cached derivative of it stored locally. That’s how you can enable larger file downloads, creating a better experience for your users.

4. Technical Debt

Another challenge that you might face that can affect your Salesforce load speed is technical debt. Technical debt can be caused by a large number of unused fields, or old Workflows, Apex Code, Process Builders, or as a result of old workarounds that were needed at one time. You can read more about how you can stop accumulating technical debt in Salesforce.

5. Plugin Usage

Salesforce users have many plugins within their Salesforce instance, each of which can help or hurt the overall end-user experience. These third-party plugins are responsible for the majority of data transfer, which the users use for lead sourcing, sales, marketing, and accounting capabilities. Therefore, you need to consider how much bandwidth your plugins are using. Excessive plugins can eat up a lot of your bandwidth and might start affecting the performance of your Salesforce Lightning.

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Find Out What Might Be Affecting your Salesforce Lightning Experience

All these are the common fundamental areas that your IT team can monitor to locate, avoid and resolve Salesforce performance issues. Even if you hadn’t faced any such issue yet, you need to make sure the entire underlying infrastructure of Salesforce Lightning is capable of delivering a quality experience. But if you still face any issues and want Salesforce experts to have a look, reach us out at [email protected], and we’ll get back to you.


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