The Most Awaited Feature “List Contains” is Now Available – Spring’18
Yes, you heard it right! Now no more replicating List to Set. You can directly use contains over List.
Salesforce Spring ’18 Release
Same as a set, it will return true if a list contains an element.
List<String> listStrings = new List<String>(); listStrings.add(“One”); listStrings.add(“Two”); listStrings.add(“Three”); listStrings.add(“Four”); System.debug('Check Contains Four-->'+ listStrings.contains('Four'));
Check Contains Four-->True
You can consider as an extra feature. It returns the position of the element and if the element is no there it returns -1.
List<String> listStrings = new List<String>(); listStrings.add(“One”); listStrings.add(“Two”); listStrings.add(“Three”); listStrings.add(“Four”); System.debug(‘Index of Ten–>’+ listStrings.indexOf(‘Ten’));
Index of Ten–>-1
Keep Smiling!!!!
Happy Coding 🙂