Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions What is forcasting in salesforce ?


    March 4, 2020 at 7:26 am

    Forecast- Literal Meaning - Predict a future event or trend

    In Salesforce, its goes with the same meaning. It is used by sales managers to see how are their sales reps doing with respect to opportunity and how well are they close to the target.

    There are 2 types of Forecast in salesforce

    1.  Customizable forecasting is used for customizing the forecast for the needs of your business. This kind of forecasting is used for custom fiscal year, opportunity lead adjustments, territory management, snapshots and forecast history.

    2.  Collaborative forecasting provides your business with more flexibility and more intuitive user interface. The unique features of this kind of forecasting include ability to rename the forecast categories, expandable forecast tables and forecasting on the opportunity splits.

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