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  • Hello,

    In API versions prior to 2.0, the ID of a record is always a 15-character case-sensitive ID and should not be compared in a case-insensitive manner.

    15 digit Id number will have numeric digits range from (0-9), a Lowercase letter(a-z) or a Uppercase letters(A-Z). 15 digit ID in is case sensitive. Example 100000000000ABC  is different from 100000000000abc. When using external productive tools like Microsoft Excel, MS Access and SQL Server external ID’s are not case sensitive and they don’t recognize the difference between 100000000000ABC  and 100000000000abc.


  • Hello,

    you can just Clone the inactive approval process and then just add another step in it.

    do not need to create from scratch. The max you will need to do is to adjust steps criteria.


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 3:21 am in reply to: Differenciate Between Auth1.0 and Auth2.0 in Salesforce.


    OAuth 1.0 is based on having shared secrets between the server and consumer which are used to calculate signatures. Those signatures are then used to verify the authenticity of API requests. The community found that implementing signatures correctly was quite difficult. OAuth 2.0 removes signatures and instead relies on SSL to secure the secret. If you want to see a concise explanation and detailed flow (with diagrams) of OAuth, you can check out The OAuth Bible (


  • Hello,

    No, Datacategories were designed as part of Salesforce Knowledge:

    Data categories are used in Salesforce Knowledge (articles and article translations), Ideas, Answers, and Chatter Answers to help classify and find articles, questions, or ideas. You can use data categories to control access to a particular set of articles, questions or ideas.


  • Hello,

    Use this-

    Test.setCreatedDate(recordId, createdDatetime)

    Sets CreatedDate for a test-context sObject.


  • Hello,

    Queueable Interface methods and Future methods are Asynchronous Apex Processes that add jobs to the job queue and each job runs when system resources become available, so it doesn’t delay the execution of the main Apex logic. They also share a benefit of having some higher governor limits than synchronous Apex, such as heap size limits (12 MB),  number of SOQL queries issued (200) and Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers (60k ms). But the Queueable interface methods are a step up from the future methods because they also come with these additional benefits (according to Salesforce release notes):


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 3:17 am in reply to: What are the different Salesforce Editions and Limits?

  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 3:15 am in reply to: What if no Role is assigned to a User in salesforce?

    Yes,if no role is assigned , the user will get access through
    1.Object's OWD specified( private, read only etc..).
    2.Sharing Rules: Remember you can share the records with Public Groups; and you can add users in Public Groups.      (setup->manage user->public group)
    3. Manual sharing on the records.
    While creating a user we can create user without Roles, but actual functionality was explained below:
    Roles (configured under Admin Setup->Manage Users->Roles) are used to control which Salesforce records are available to users assigned to the Role. Unlike Profiles, there is no configuration in a Role.Instead, Roles are arranged in a hierarchy.Top level Roles can contain lower level Roles.Record access is determined by the Role of the Record Owner. Any member of the Role hierarchy above the Record Owner’s Role will have access to the record. Users in the same role as the Record Owner, and users in roles outside of that hierarchy, may or may not have access.By default, all Users have Read-Write access to all records in Salesforce.
    However, this is controlled by Organization Wide Sharing — a topic for another time.
    I hope it will help you.

  • If you didn't serialize the object into JSON, then the object would not be in a format that the consumer (the system who did the request) would understand. The purpose of serializing it into JSON is so that the message will be a format that can be understood and from there, deserialize it into an object type that makes sense for the consumer.

  • Hello,

    First, identify your 'Connection User' ID. As referenced by the initial answer, you can find the user ID of the 'Connection User', by inspecting the CreatedById for a record created by this user. (eg. via eclipse or explorer). I exported records loaded by the S2S connection from the target org and pulled the ID referenced in the 'CREATEDBYID' myself.

    Second, in your Developer Console, navigate to:

    Debug > Change Log Levels

    Under 'User Tracing for All Users' select 'Add'. Then paste in the User Id for the 'Connection User' you've already identified. Click 'Add' and 'Done' and you should be off to the races.


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 3:11 am in reply to: What is the use of Database.statefull Interface in salesforce?


    You can read this blog here for better understanding.


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 3:08 am in reply to: What is wrapper class? where can we use it in salesforce?


    Wrapper Class is collection of two or more diffrent objects.
    So these are the abstract data structure by which a developer create its own data structure by groupuing another available data structure.
    It expands user capablity and give more power to developer a customized application. it can be user for creating Visualforce page where page contains Boolean as check box and list item as value..


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:47 am in reply to: What are Salesforce Governor Limits?

    Governor limits are Salesforce’s way of forcing you to write efficient, scalable code.

    The good:

    Governor limits prevent other orgs from writing bad code and taking up all the cloud CPU.
    Coding limits in general are completely unique to Apex – consider it job security!
    You have a friend that will teach you how to dominate these limits!
    The bad:

    These are hard limits on your org preventing you, for example, from doing too many SOQL queries in a trigger (max: 100 queries).
    Upgrading your edition or paying Salesforce more money will not increase your limits! The only workaround is to understand how to navigate around them.

  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:47 am in reply to: How can I add chatter on


    Navigate to Setup ==> Build ==> Customize ==> Chatter ==> Chatter Settings , You can see that the Chatter Settings section is Enabled if chatter is ON .


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:46 am in reply to: Why am I facing Internal Error in Salesforce?

    Unfortunately, "Internal Server Errors" are VERY difficult to debug.  They typically involve a call into Salesforce to look up a "Gack" (only a few internal Salesforce employees have the ability do do this).  Even when they're able to lookup the Gack, it's not always evident what the root cause is.

    However, if I were you, I would start with stripping out much of your batch class and then start adding pieces back in one by one into your batch class, so that you can narrow down the culprit.

    For instance I would check the following:
    1) Does the batch class work with just the query and a simple system.debug(batch);
    2) Does the batch class work with just theq query, a simple system.debug, and adding the batch opportunities to a list?
    3) Does the batch class work with just the query, system debug, adding to the list and doing an update lstOpp?
    4) Does the batch class work with the query, system debug, adding to the list, and doing the partial processing?

    After looking at your code though, it looks like it *may* be that you're using a member variable in your batch class when you don't need to.  I suspect that this is the exception you're running into, although it could also be the fact you're using partial processing (Database.update(list,false)).

  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:44 am in reply to: How to hide or show Salesforce object through the apex code?

    Here is the code,

    You can create 2 record types that have different layouts.
    One layout has that custom field another one not get.

    You can using the Trigger are as follows,


    trigger trg_Lead on Lead (before insert)
    for (Lead objLead :
    if(objLead.LeadSource != null)

    // Check the Lead status is Phone,web or Mail & update the Lead No Custom Field.
    RecordType[] rt = [select Id,Name from RecordType where Name =: 'Test Lead'];   //Test Lead is a RECORD TYPE.
    integer NsSize = rt.size();
    for(integer i = 0; i < NsSize ; i++)
    objLead.RecordTypeId = rt[i].Id;


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:43 am in reply to: How to hide or show Salesforce object through the apex code?

    This can be achieved through the use of page layouts and record types. For example, a trigger that updates Lead No. by 1 (or not), could also set the Record Type to a layout that doesn't display lead number. While I'm all for using Visualforce as much as practical, there's times when some old-fashioned technology just works better.

  • Kindly elaborate your question more.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:39 am in reply to: How can i call relationship object fields in Salesforce trigger?

    You should be specifying more details, however at a high level this is how you do it

    Supposing your trigger is on Contact and you want to access Account fields, this is how you do it.

    trigger triggerContact on Contact (after insert){
    for(Contact cont :{

    The bold text is where I am fetching the account id for each contact in trigger. Similarly you can refer other fields.

    NOTE: for standard relationships, you simply use the . (dot) notation and refer the fields.
    However for a custom relationship, you need to use __c and __r

    example: custom object patient__c is related to Account standard object (relationship field : Account__c).
    patient__r.Account__c - this will give me account id for a patient record.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hello,

    it will work just fine. You can even write it in 1 line:

    delete [Select Id from sObject where Test__c = true Limit 9000];
    It will fail the whole delete operation though if there's any kind of problem (like "before delete" trigger that makes some extra checks and complains). You can set it to "delete what you can, I'll deal with errors separately" by using another version of delete that takes an extra parameter.

    Database.delete([Select Id from sObject where Test__c = true Limit 9000], false);


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:34 am in reply to: What is the use of External Id in Salesforce?

    When we update or upsert any record in salesforce we do it by using Record Id. But if we want to update or upsert the record from some External System, we won't be having Record Id in the External system. So we choose one field as 'External ID' in the salesforce and based on that be do the updation from External System

    We can only choose Auto Number, Email, Number and Text Field as external id in Salesforce.

    And there is a limit to have max number of external id fields and it is 7. The unique field also counts in that limit. It means Unique Fileds + External Fields < = 7.

  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:33 am in reply to: What is the external id in Salesforce?

    The other advantage of external Id is -  Fields marked as External Ids are searable.
    Salesforce allows you mark up to 3 fields as External IDs and these fields must be text, number or email field types


  • Avnish Yadav

    September 30, 2018 at 1:32 am in reply to: What is the external id in Salesforce?


    External IDs are commonly used to store unique record identifiers from external systems and allow for routinely loading data into Salesforce without having to prepare your import file with existing or related Salesforce record IDs each time. 1


  • Hello,

    It happens because the time-based workflow action is removed from the workflow queue and it will not get fired.


  • Kindly pass the record Id.


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