Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How to Generate a conga report with salesforce custom object.

  • Upendra

    December 21, 2016 at 11:28 am

    any update ???

  • Radhakrishna

    June 14, 2017 at 5:54 am

    Hello Upendra,

    Conga Composer doesn't support joined reports, it supports the use of up to 50 unique Salesforce Reports or SOQL Queries as data sets in a single merge process. It sounds like you can't include both of your target objects in a non-joined report, so I'd recommend using 2 separate reports that span the respective Account->Acts and SP->Trgt relationships and then including both reports in your Conga Composer button URL. The parameter syntax will look a little something like:


    This article in our KnowledgeBase explains how to add reports to a button URL: Click here

    I hope this helps, but please feel free to contact our support team at any time to get hands-on assistance with your solution:

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