Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How to use email service to import a CSV file attachment in Salesforce?

  • Yogesh

    November 20, 2019 at 6:44 am


    try this code below,hope it will help you:-

    Global class CSVFileDataImportEmail implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler
    Global string nameFile{get;set;}
    Global blob contentFile{get;set;}
    String[] filelines = new String[]{};
    Boolean processSheet = True;
    List<Supplier_Capacity__c> SCupload;
    List <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> Mail = new List <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    List <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> Mails = new List <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
    Global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.InboundEmail email, Messaging.Inboundenvelope envelope)
    nameFile = email.toString();
    filelines = nameFile.split('n');
    System.debug(' filelines... ' + filelines);
    SCupload = new List<Supplier_Capacity__c>();
    //Here I'm writing a map since I've 2 lookup fields
    Map<String,String> SUP_map = New Map<String, String>();
    Map<String,String> SH_map = New Map<String, String>();
    String a1= '';
    for(Account A:[Select Id,Name From Account])
    System.debug(' ~Supplier~ ' + A.ID + A.Name);
    System.debug(' SUP_map ' + SUP_map);
    System.debug(' SUP_mapID ' + SUP_map.get(A.ID) + ' SUP_mapName ' + SUP_map.get(A.Name));
    for(Site__c S:[Select id, Site_Code__c From Site__c])
    System.Debug(' <Ship From> '+ S.ID + S.Site_Code__c);
    System.debug(' SH_map ' + SH_map);
    System.debug(' SH_mapID ' + SH_map.get(S.ID) + ' SH_mapName ' + SH_map.get(S.Site_Code__c));

    Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult();
    System.debug(' >email< ' + email);
    String fileAttachments = '';

    System.debug(' email attachments ' + email.TextAttachments);
    Messaging.InboundEmail.textAttachment[] tAttachments = email.TextAttachments;
    System.debug(' size of tAttachments ' + tAttachments.size() + 'Text Attachement from the email.' + tAttachments);
    Messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment[] bAttachments = email.BinaryAttachments;
    System.debug(' Binary Attachement from the email. ' + bAttachments);
    String csvbody = '';
    for(integer i=0; i < tAttachments.size(); i++)
    System.debug(' attacments... ' + tAttachments[i]);
    fileAttachments = String.valueOf(tAttachments[i]);
    List<Supplier_Capacity__c> supc = new List<Supplier_Capacity__c>();

    List<String> badrows = new List<String>();
    String csvBody1 = '';
    String[] lineByCsvBody = new String[]{};
    List<String> linebycsvdata = new List<String>();
    If(tAttachments != Null && tAttachments.size() > 0)
    For(Messaging.InboundEmail.textAttachment ttt : tAttachments)
    csvBody1 = ttt.body;
    lineByCsvBody = csvBody1.split('n');
    System.debug('CSV BODY'+ csvBody1 + 'lines' +lineByCsvBody +' size of lineByCsvBody ' + lineByCsvBody.size() + ' This is a Text Attachment from the email parsed. ' + ttt);

    For(Integer j = 0; j < lineByCsvBody.size(); j++)
    System.debug(' lineByCsvBody data...... ' + lineByCsvBody[j]);
    /*Here I'm checking and splitting the header values*/
    String headerRow = lineByCsvBody[j];
    System.debug(' headerRow DATA ... ' + headerRow);
    String hvalue = csvbody1;
    String[] headervalue = headerRow.split(',');
    System.debug(' size of headervalue ' + headervalue.size());
    System.debug(' headervalue1 '+ headervalue[0] + ' headervalue2 ' + headervalue[1]
    + ' headervalue3 ' + headervalue[2] + ' headervalue4 ' + headervalue[3]
    + ' headervalue5 ' + headervalue[4] + ' headervalue6 ' + headervalue[5]);

    if(headervalue[0] == Null || headervalue[0] == '' || headervalue[0].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 1 : Supplier Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue[0] != 'Supplier')
    badrows.add('Column 1 : Supplier Column name should be accurate.');

    IF(headervalue[1] == Null || headervalue[1] == '' || headervalue[1].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 2 : Ship From Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue[1] != 'Ship From')
    badrows.add('Column 2 : Ship From Column name should be accurate.');

    IF(headervalue[2] == Null || headervalue[2] == '' || headervalue[2].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 3 : Capacity Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue[2] != 'Capacity')
    badrows.add('Column 3 : Capacity Column name should be accurate.');

    IF (headervalue[3] == Null || headervalue[3] == '' || headervalue[3].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 4 : Lead Time Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue[3] != 'Lead Time')
    badrows.add('Column 4 : Lead Time Column name should be accurate.');

    IF (headervalue[4] == Null || headervalue[4] == '' || headervalue[4].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 5 : Part unique to Buyer Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue[4] != 'Part unique to Buyer')
    badrows.add('Column 5 : Part unique to Buyer Column name should be accurate.');
    String headervalue5=headervalue[5].trim();
    System.debug('headervalue5 is '+ headervalue[5] +' for last row');
    IF (headervalue[5] == Null || headervalue[5] == '' || headervalue[5].trim().length() < 1)
    badrows.add('Column 6 : Shared Resource Column name is null.');
    Else if(headervalue5 != 'Shared Resource')
    System.debug('headervalue[5] '+ headervalue[5] + ' size... '+headervalue[5].length() + 'hardcode resource size ' + headervalue5.length());
    badrows.add('Column 6 : Shared Resource Column name should be accurate.');

    System.debug(' badrows ' + badrows.size());
    /*Here you can either put up your own result.message(Error Message) or messaging.singleemailmessage to send your own errror email*/
    /*result.message = ('The following Column No: ' + badrows.size() + ' failed due to mismatching of header values in the csv parsed to the Email Service.');*/

    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage Errormail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

    List <String> sendTo = new List <String>();
    sendTo.add('[email protected]');

    Errormail.setReplyTo('[email protected]');
    Errormail.setSenderDisplayName('Supplier Capacity');

    List <String> ccTo = new List <String>();
    ccTo.add('[email protected]');
    ccTo.add('[email protected]');

    Errormail.setSubject('ERROR :: Failed to process Capacity Upload template (CSV)');

    String body = '<html><body>Dear Supplier,' + '<br>' + '<br>' +'The Capacity Upload CSV Template failed to process because the below header values are missing in the sheet.' + '<br>' + '<br>';

    if(badrows.size() > 0)
    processSheet = false;
    for(String str:badrows)
    System.debug('value of str ' + str);
    body += str + '<br>' +'<br>';
    body += '<br>' + '<br>' + 'Correct the header columns and re-send for uploading again.'
    + '<br>' + 'Reach out to Admin for further assistance.'
    + '<br>' + '<br>' + '<br>' + '- Team.</body></html>';



    System.debug(' size of list ' + lineByCsvBody.size());
    System.debug(' processSheet ' + processSheet);
    if(badrows.size() > 0)
    if(j>0 && processSheet)
    System.debug('inside j>0'+linebycsvdata);
    System.debug(' size of list ' + lineByCsvBody.size());
    System.debug(' size of list of linebycsvdata ' + linebycsvdata.size());
    System.debug(' processSheet ' + processSheet);
    if( processSheet )
    System.debug('inside insertion part ' + linebycsvdata.size());

    integer rowCount=0;
    for(String svalue:linebycsvdata)
    /*Here I'm checking and splitting the values / data contained in the .csv file*/
    String[] splitvalue = svalue.split(',');
    System.debug(' size of splitvalue ' + splitvalue.size());
    Supplier_Capacity__c customobject = new Supplier_Capacity__c();
    System.debug(' splitvalue1 ' + splitvalue[0] + ' splitvalue2 ' + splitvalue[1]
    + ' splitvalue3 ' + splitvalue[2] + ' splitvalue4 ' + splitvalue[3]
    + ' splitvalue5 ' + splitvalue[4] + ' splitvalue6 ' + splitvalue[5]);
    if(splitvalue[0] == '' || splitvalue[0].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[0] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    if(splitvalue[1] == '' || splitvalue[1].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[1] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    if(splitvalue[2] == '' || splitvalue[2].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[2] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    if(splitvalue[3] == '' || splitvalue[3].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[3] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    if(splitvalue[4] == '' || splitvalue[4].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[4] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    if(splitvalue[5] == '' || splitvalue[5].trim().length() < 1 || splitvalue[5] == Null)
    badrows.add('row number'+rowCount+' field value is missing');
    String chk = SUP_map.get(splitvalue[0]);
    String chk1 = SH_map.get(splitvalue[1]);
    system.debug(' check_map ' + chk + splitvalue[0]);
    system.debug(' check_map1 ' + chk1 + splitvalue[1]);

    customobject.Account__c = SUP_map.get(splitvalue[0]);
    customobject.Ship_From__c = SH_map.get(splitvalue[1]);
    customobject.Capacity__c = Decimal.valueof(splitvalue[2]);
    customobject.Lead_Time__c = Decimal.valueof(splitvalue[3]);
    customobject.Part_unique_to_Lear__c = Boolean.valueof(splitvalue[4]);
    customobject.Shared_capacity__c = Boolean.valueof(splitvalue[5]);
    insert customobject;
    System.debug(' passed record size ' + supc.size());
    For(string u:badrows)
    a1 += u;
    System.debug(' Badrows ' + a1);
    result.success = true;
    System.debug(' Result ' + result.success);
    catch (Exception e)
    System.debug(' Exception ' + e);
    result.success = false;
    System.debug(' Result ' + result.success);
    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage SuccessMail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

    List <String> sendTo1 = new List <String>();
    sendTo1.add('[email protected]');

    SuccessMail.setReplyTo('[email protected]');
    SuccessMail.setSenderDisplayName('Supplier Capacity');

    List <String> ccTo1 = new List <String>();
    ccTo1.add('[email protected]');
    ccTo1.add('[email protected]');

    SuccessMail.setSubject('Supplier Capacity Upload :: Success :: '+ supc.size() + ' records. ' + 'ERROR :: ' + badrows.size() + ' records.');

    String body1 = '<html><body>Dear Supplier,' + '<br>' + '<br>' + 'Number of Records sucessfully processed :: '+ supc.size() + '<br>' + '<br>' + 'Number of Records failed to process :: ' + badrows.size() + '<br>' + '<br>' + '<br>' + '- Team.</body></html>';
    /*result.message = ('The following number of records '+ supc.size() + ' got created successfuly by the Email Service and ' + '<br>' + a1 + ' number of records got failed by the Email Service.');*/


    if(supc.size() > 0)
    return result;

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