Activity Forums Salesforce® Discussions How to Implement Segment Validation for Multi Dimensional Quoting(MDQ) in CPQ?

  • madhulika shah

    August 20, 2018 at 7:09 am

    Hi Anjali,

    If you set this up as an MDQ product (Multi Dimensional Quoting) with Monthly price dimensions, you can make use of the SBQQ__SegmentIndex__c field. For Monthly price dimensions, SBQQ__SegmentIndex__c = 1 is month 1 of the quote line and SBQQ__SegmentIndex__c = 2 is month 2 of the quote line. If you are just looking to compare months 1 and 2, then you might be able to do this with two Summary Variables and a Product Rule of type, Validation. If you want to compare all 12 months, as a ramp, for example, then your best solution is likely to be a Quote Calculator Plugin (QCP).

  • Parul

    September 21, 2018 at 1:57 pm


    You would need a different Summary Variable for each product, so scalability would be an issue. I just realized that it might not work properly if you have the same product on two quote lines. It appears to me that the kind of complex logic that this type of validation requires can only be achieved with a QCP.



  • shariq

    September 22, 2018 at 2:51 am


    You can show a product in the quote line editor as a single quote line with multiple segments. Each segment represents a block of time (quarter, month, year, or custom) and has a quantity and discounts independent of the other segments. This feature is useful if you’re selling subscription products and services, because you don’t have to add multiple quote lines for each segment.

    You can apply discounts or uplifts to individual segments—for example, a start-up discount on the first year of a three-year service subscription. You can also adjust the quantities of each segment.

    Add MDQ (multi-dimensional quoting) segments to a product by creating a price dimension in your product’s Price Dimensions related list. The price dimension’s type controls whether your segments appear by year, quarter, month, custom, or as a one-time segment. You can also control whether users can edit the cost, quantity, or discounts of segments, or whether the segments inherit editability of these fields from their parent product record.

    After you create a dimension, Salesforce CPQ calculates the number of segments by considering the length of your quote’s term. For example, a product with a monthly price dimension and a two-year term might have 24 segments.

    To add a one-time charge, such as an installation fee, create a price dimension with a Type value of One-Time and set its unit price to a value of your choosing. The unit price overrides the product’s Price Book value. The one-time fee appears to the left of your segmented values in the line editor.

    EXAMPLE Your company sells generators and provides an installation service for $1000 and an annual generator service subscription for $500. You can use MDQ products to create a subscription product that handles the one-time fee and the subscription service together. Set up the Generator Service product as follows.Subscription Pricing: Fixed Price
    Subscription Term: 12
    List Unit Price: $500
    Now that you’ve made the subscription product, you can use price dimensions to include both the subscription fee and the one-time installation fee. Since both parts of the service have distinct pricing requirements, you’ll need to make two price dimensions: One for the one-time fee and another for the ongoing subscription. Go to the product’s Price Dimensions related list and create a price dimension as follows.

    Dimension Name: Generator Installation
    Type: One-Time
    Unit Price: $500
    Next, create another price dimension for the subscription service.

    Dimension Name: Yearly Service
    Type: Year
    By default, the time-based price dimension draws its pricing and proration from the subscription product.

    Hope this helps.

  • Arash

    February 13, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    I created a QCP script that would identify the MDQ quote lines using segment key and then use segment index to sequence them and compare and verifies that the the (segment i's end date + 1 day = segment (i+1)'s start date) this way when sales rep is using custom MDQ they cant set wrong start and end dates on segments. This was covered in trailhead "Customize Your Multidimensional Quotes" it mentions below:
    "Currently, editing the dates here does NOT produce a validation message if gaps or overlaps exist, even if you don’t allow nonconsecutive custom segments. If this is a concern, either remove the date fields from the layout, or create your own validation rule to check for gaps and overlaps."

    To do this you need QCP script I developed

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