salesforce ai

Salesforce Offers Artificial Intelligence To Ramp Up Small Businesses!

AI or Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and stay for quite a longer period than we might have apprehended. It continues to empower the world and offer seamless integration and time-saving tools that improve the productivity and helps in generating a higher revenue. There have been a lot of buzzy predictions around AI stating numerous advantages of its implementation in business.

Salesforce remains all in action when it calls for AI implementation in business, it is making AI accessible to each and every company and business user by eliminating the complexities. Salesforce had launched Einstein and its customizable model has the capacity to learn from each and every interaction to deliver exceptionally valuable insights and brilliant predictions to companies irrespective of their sizes i.e. ranging from small to large scales. The best part about this being that the entire process is automated and the companies do not require hiring a team of data scientists to be constantly working or monitoring the process in the background.

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Competitive Advantage of Companies Adopting AI

This year we will definitely witness that the businesses and companies who leverage Artificial Intelligence will achieve brilliant operational efficiencies way ahead of others and will have enough time to play catch up with their competitors. Though it is useful for businesses of all types and size there are two dominant advantages of adopting AI for small businesses. Firstly AI is a kind of technology that should be perfectly woven amongst all the business processes and small businesses have the provision to accommodate new technology around their processes. It will need a lot less brainstorming and weaving in case of small-scale businesses. And those who will accommodate AI within their business workflow will prove themselves to be more customer-centric. Another imperative factor that proves to be an added advantage for the small scale businesses is that majority of the competitors might push back from adopting AI since it is a newer technology with lesser know scopes and simply by the idea of jumping into new technologies.

The Domains AI Will Cater To In Small Businesses

AI For Sales

AI for sales will automatically build and monitor the pipeline so that the sales rep can focus primarily on closing the deals. It eases the work that involves manual data entry. AI can be very conveniently and accurately used as your sales assistant for finding out the appropriate data, reminding you of the follow-ups and making sure that nothing falls apart in the mid-process.

AI For Marketing

Marketing has become a part and parcel of every business. The data trend provides the companies a huge volume and variety of data and relevant information on the behavior of buyers. Adding AI to the system gives a real-time way to parse the huge volume of data and get accurate predictions and qualified leads. Using AI the marketers can automatically segment and build audiences based on the customer behavior and also adapt to the journey of the customers so that they receive the appropriate information at the right time. AI can also be utilized to automate the process of sending emails, offer recommendations, etc depending on customer sentiment prediction.

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AI For Customer Services

Nowadays it is of utmost importance to know if your customers are happy or not. Until now it was not expected out of the customer service departments to comprehend customer’s issues. But now AI can capture the necessary signals by analyzing the correlation between the activities and sentiments of the customer which the humans tend to miss. If it analyzes some sort of negative feeling from the customer it will suggest proactive steps to turn the relationship around.

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Let the small business not be so small anymore and grow your business with AI this year. The recent research shows that 58% of the businesses are considering AI technologies as a part of their process but in actuality, only 12% have implemented it. However, AI is giving a huge opportunity for the early adopters to pull themselves way ahead of their competitors.

Reference: Algoworks

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