Object Level Security

Object Level Security in Salesforce | The Salesforce Security Guide

We may provide access to an item in Salesforce at the profile or permissions set level. From the Profile or Permission set level, you may give read, create, edit, delete, see all, and modify all permissions to an Object. 

  • Read: Individuals can only view/read records.  
  • Create: A person can create and read a record.  
  • Edit: The person can edit and read the record.  
  • Delete: A person can delete, read, and edit records.  
  • View All: Users can view all records in an object, regardless of their organization's sharing settings 
  • Modify All: Regardless of your organization's sharing settings, users can read, edit, delete, view everything, and make all changes (forwarding and approving). You cannot change the record ownership of a case / lead object with ‘Modify All’. 

From the profiler permission set, you can set the six permissions defined above at the object level. Read, create, edit, and delete respect for the shared settings. However, if you view everything and change everything, your organization's sharing settings will be overwritten. 

Setup > Administer > Manage Users > profiles > Choose the profile in which you need supply item permissions and visit item permissions and offer required item permissions (Read/Create/Edit/Delete/View All/Modify All) to profile. 

dont miss out iconDon't forget to check out: Security in Salesforce | Security Levels in Salesforce


In Salesforce, profile controls are carried over to object and field levels such as apps and tabs. Maria may be an unused representative, so administrators need to add Maria to the appropriate profile that requires access to the Deals app and related objects so that they can initiate access to Salesforce information. 

Types of Profile Controls

We have the following types of Profile Controls in Salesforce:

  • Object Permission 
  • User Permission 
  • Field Permission 
  • App Settings 
  • Tab Settings 
  • Apex class access 
  • Record Types 
  • Visualforce page access 
  • Login Hours 
  • Page Layouts 
  • Login IP Ranges 

dont miss out iconCheck out another amazing blog by Shivam here: Record Level Security in Salesforce

Permission Sets

Communicates with a set of permissions used to grant more access to one or more clients without changing or reassigning the profile. This protest is available on API Form 22.0 and later. You can use permission sets to grant access, but you cannot deny access. 

With consent units, you may consist of and expel authorizations to a bit subset of customers at any time. You can consist of several consent units to a given user.  

Use authorization units because it becomes a subset of customers requires more permissions. 

If part of people in a profile calls for that authorization, at that point, make a custom profile and consist of consent straightforwardly to that profile. 


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