All You Need to Know to Make a Scratch Org and Your Domain
How to Make your Domain?
Change the domain of dev org to my domain:
- To change the domain, you first have to create your domain.
- First Login to your Developer Org, then go to setup and type My Domain in the quick find.
- Then, in My domain option you have to check the availability of your domain like I said sample then click check availability do it until it said available.
- Then click on register domain, it takes you to the 2nd step and shows your final domain name, and it will take some time to be ready for the testing.
- After refreshing the web page, you will find a login button, click on the button.
- Then check your URL you will see the new Domain name.
- Then go back to that page you will find a button named Deploy to Users , then you will see a popup click OK. Now you are ready to use your new domain.
Don't forget to check out: Get Started with Salesforce Scratch Org | The Developer Guide
What is a Scratch Org?
The scratch org is a source-driven and disposable deployment of Salesforce code and metadata. A scratch org is fully configurable, allowing developers to emulate different Salesforce editions with different features and preferences. You can share the scratch org configuration file with other team members, so you all have the same basic org in which to do your development. You can use the Scratch Org for maximum of 30 days.
How to make a Scratch Org?
- To make a scratch org you have to enable the dev hub option from the Quick Find option in Setup.
- Go to Quick Find, Search for Dev Hub, under the development option you will find the dev hub.
- Then on the dev hub page you will find a switch in front of Dev Hub option, Its by default Disabled.
- Once You enabled the Dev Hub You can’t disable the dev hub option. Enable It to make a Scratch Org.
- Now, in your computer Open the VS Code, Org should be already connected to VS Code then press Ctrl + P then in field enter SFDX: Create a default Scratch Org then select this option.
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